Monday, April 8, 2013


بسمالله الرحمن الرحيم..اللهم صلي على محمد

Assalamualaikum.selamat pagi!!!

This maybe (May be) the last post before i'm gonna be busy with my final examination.fuhhh. just thinking about it is scary enough.Inshaallah will work hard for better performance than last year. But, the challenges seem tougher. Since election is coming so soon, the feeling of involving myself in it is quite troublesome (sebelum nie nak baca pasal politik pun macam haram). Maybe because it looks like our beloved PR going to win big this year.haa can't wait. And also because my boyfriendsss passion in political issue is something okay(sedikit sebanyak memang beejangkit la kome). Inshaallah, this year the truth will be revealed as we all hope long ago. Inshaallah.

and today is so beautiful.see the 'rosseflowerpath' on the right side of this suka suki suku. Alhamdulillah.2y6m2w6d. I'm going to make everything go smoothly (not so smooth, sometimes the road puddled).Anyway i passed..heee. Of course with His help and your prayers as always ;p
Let's study smart and pray hard. To His blessings!
Don't forget to make today a Rasulullah.

footnote: finishing the greatest book before ramadan.keep trying.

P/s: make them happy.