Thursday, March 10, 2016

Ladies, it's our day!

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
Allahumma solli 'ala saiyidina Muhammad

I hope this is not too late post to say happy International Women's Day eventhough we arw women every day and every day is women day. Yeahhh!!!
Before I go further saying about this woman things, let me tell you something which I can put under my childhoodmemories hashtag (#childhoidmemories). It's new hashtag guys. Haha. Well, like I said, it was childhood age and I was as some of you know hardly behave with ill manner stubborn little girl. There was little time I didn't give my parents headache. Sorry sorry sorry (with SuJu background music) mak, ayah.

I couldn't remember the exact time, date, day when most of us gathered in our new not so new (at least younger than the house itself) living room but I remember what happen then. Chatting, laughing, kidding around and...crying. Yup, me...crying!
M: Actually Imah was a boy but the doctor was so careless that he/she overcut yours during circumcision.
I: *replied with burst of tears and shout all over whilst putting handmade pillow on my face*
M: No lah. I'm just kidding.
So, that was how I hate being a boy. Haha. Although I befriend boys a lot during school years (before I went to all girls boarding school) since my cousins of my generation are all boys *tears*

And I was quite feminist too.

A guided feminist ;p

Let's get to the point ladiesss!
Do you know when was International Women's Day first introduced? To be franks, I'm not sure either. But it was hundred years agi and formerly known as International Working Women's Day. Since then, this day celebrated every year on 8th of March with different issues but the same goal. To empower all women over the globe and to educate us (women) in regard our roles not just ib building steong family institution but also enhancing sustainable society. That so, other than increase our knowledge in our discipline, we also need to expand awareness on current issues especially involving children, youth problem, health care, women politicion, working mothers and many more if you want to list it all!

The feeling is very unsettling hearing news on women oppression in other side of world. Too vex reading about women discrimination (just finished reading A Thousand Splendid Suns, will write a review later) at some part of the world. However, sadder it is, to witness our lucky women in peace and full of freedom, deserted the oppurtunity and worst of it, throw ourselves into very vague things. Chasing for fame, too overwhelmed in extra beauty (we are all pretty enough ok), far too updated to recent fashion yet deficient in covering our nobility and many other things that need improvement.

Remember a verse from Al-Quran (Malay translation):
Sesungguhnya pembazir-pembazir itu adalah saudara-saudara syaitan dan syaitan itu sangatlah ingkar kepada tuhannya (Al-Isra':27)

And also (Malay translation):
Hai anak Adam, pakailah pakaianmu yang indah di setiap (memasuki) masjid, makan dan minumlah dan janganlah berlebih-lebihan. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang berlebih-lebihan (Al-A'raf: 31)

And hadis from Rasulullah s.a.w about us (Malay translation):
Berpesanlah kebaikan pada wanita, kerana sesungguhnya wanita itu tercipta dari tulang rusuk dan sesungguhnya yang paling bengkok dari tulang rusuk adalah bahagian atasnya. Jika engkau meluruskannya nescaya engkau mematahkannya dan jika engkau membiarkannya maka ia akan tetap bengkok. Maka berpesanlah kebaikan pada wanita.

Let us spend more on bridging knowledge and improvise whatever we can as a woman. We can change. Shine inside, bright out!

Happy International Women's Day!

Footnote: First and foremost to the writer meself :)

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