Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Allahumma solli ala
saiyidina Muhammad.
IIIslamic classes had started as winter break finished.
And when I mentioned Islamic classes it also means Arabic language! Some people
say ‘aghhh’ now... So, a famous question from our dukturah.. ‘why can’t you
speak Arabic?’. The question that worth 5 genih (can say I was lucky since
sorta short of money this month. haha. Alhamdulillah). why so fellow friends
and juniors?
Few words of advices:
We (the seniors) have
been staying in Egypt for 6 years and you, juniors, will have another
you-count-yourself years to finish. However, our ability to speak Arabic very
little or perhaps I can say we cannot speak Arabic despite all our rages,
rampages, resent towards some annoying taxi drivers, sugar mouthed sellers and
gentlenotmen bus passangers.
Why so?
We are not Egyptian
It is not our language
It’s difficult language
We are medical student.
they are the answers? Big no guys. Seriously NO! If you really think they are
the answer, let me tell you, you are not reasoning. But you are rather giving
an excuse. And what is the difference between both? When you are giving excuse,
that’s mean you are escaping. Yes! You try to escape from a situation that
definitely put you well to be blamed. You try to escape from the your own
weakness and making accusations on others when the problem actually and clearly
is you. US!
we are in desire of something, with all the effort, power, matter, and whatever
we have we will try all out to make it happen. We will use all the abilities
and draw anything from surrounding that can help us in achieving our need and
make things seem impossible become real! The same ideas go to this case
(speaking Arabic). Not because it is difficult (although it is. haha). Not
because it is not our language (then, why bother to ask dukturah to learn English???).
The only reason is because we are lazy! We are reluctant. We don’t want to. We
never want to learn this language at the first place! That is the only reason.
I humbly would like to give humble advices to myself and our beloved juniors
especially those in 1st, 2nd and 3rd year, for
the sake and smoothness of your coming clinical year, go and take Arabic class.
Summer break is coming right? So, why not use that time to learn this indeed
beautiful language? If you expect to be in
Malaysia, maybe you can have someone to tutor you and familiarize
yourself with ammiah pronounciation.
not 4th, 5th, or 6th year?
bet you are not going to have time for extra class especially if you already
involved in ‘persatuan’, busy with tuition and ‘anak’? And since you will meet
patient those years, don’t you think early preparation is better?
else can you do?
Mingle more with local
people. Some are really nice and good. Don’t worry much. Some speak Malay with
you :’D
Never ask ‘can you speak
English?’.Try to understand them and try to speak in Arabic as possible. Unless
if you realize the conversation will bring both of you ‘dalal’, then use
language that both of you can understand.
Find new word every day and
use it. I did this few time but most of the time I forgot :’( Sometime you may
not use it, but you will understand when people say it. Useful kan?
Ask anything. If you go
shop and you don’t know anything’s name, ask anyone there. Or you can search
the name before going. Takdela sampai habis tahun asyik dih dah dih dah je.
Read, listen and speak
Arabic. These are basics in learning any language. Practice and have fun with
your member!
Start now! I don’t want you
to regret this time like me :’’’O I’m still hardly studying and practicing
Arabic so please pray huh?!
There may be some
obstacles like financial (I quit my class because of this) and time (that’s why
I prefer long holiday). But there are also lot of ‘markaz’ that offer Arabic
class at affordable price and you can adjust according to your schedule. Kena
pandai cari okay?
Even to my
batchmates, it is never too late. As long as we are alive, we are all in
learning process. We ought to learn it if not for the patient, to understand
al-Quran better J
So that is all for
now. Maybe you have more and better tips to share. If you do, can leave your
comment or link it. Hope this is helpful to my ‘adik-adik’ eventhough I may not
know you.
Senior nyesal dan
masih tatih :’
P/s: Generalizing
this. Siapa terasa, terasalah siapa tak, bagus.
P/ss: First and
second to myself who write and read this first J
Bittaufiq wannjah!!!