Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Cintaku terjatuh di Turki -episod 3
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
اللهم صلي على محمد
gantang-gantang semua السلام عليكم مانيس-مانيس دان
Haa,,terpaksa tukar tulisan sebab lembap bebeno type nye dan tiada ku jumpa huruf 'ga'. Gantang itu maksudnya kacak ye (tapi nak panggil Bukit Gantang pon boleh)..ate mike tau ke bukit gantang tu mane letoknye??haha
Abaikan apa yang dah terjadi. Hari ini, saya ingin menyambung membuka galeria Tukiye. Masa yang diberikan hanyalah sejam, jadi mana yang sempat saja lah ye..
Tarikh:26-28 Januari 2013
Tempat: Bursa
Suhu: Hujan (pon boleh)
Seperti catatan tarikh tu, kami berada di Bursa selama 3hari. Tak ingat berapa jam perjalanan menaiki feri. eh feri. ntah tak tah nak beza kapal ke feri. Hehe. Dan perlu diingatkan, ianya sangat memeningkan kepala dan meloyakan tekak. Tapi alhamdulillah, perjalanan sangat lancar dan bes wooo tengok ombak. Sukew tau tingok ombaakk~~ (dengan suara seperti tiada anak tekak dan mahu dipelempang sikit).
*Berhenti rehat jap, nak solat*
Sebelum tu maaf sebab gambar agak berterabur. Ada dua folder asing jadi pilih-pilih yang sesuai. Macam di bawah la jadinya. Maaf. Apapun selamat membaca!
Bursa kami datang!!! (tak pasti nie nak pergi ke dah sampai) Please notice that, i was always left behind. always. Because.. see the leg la..mana mampu nak langkah lebar2..haha |
Nie curi-curi ambil gambar dia sebab muka sama macam kawan. Fatimah.kawan saya tu. untung la muka cam Turkish girl.. |
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Tiga gadis pingitan. tak sebenarnya, tiga gadis bingitan. sebab asyik bising..haha |
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As i mentioned before, every sultan in Turkey during khilafah have their own symbol. So, their symbol were used in stamping document or what so ever. So, this is Othman Gazi symbol. |
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everyone can read right. so no need for explanation :P |
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Masjid nie atas bukit. Sangat tinggi. Dan sepanjang perjalanan kuburrrrr je.. Tetiba jumpa anjing, lepas tu ada orang tu menjerit sambil melompat dan berlari. cuba teka sape? |
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See, grave all the way.. |
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Wait, i think this one is called blue tomb. But i don't remember whose tomb is it. Sorry for my short memory :( |
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Lepas penat, boleh nikmati ABC (ais boleh cirit). Nak makan tu korek bahagian yang molek-molek sakit. Nanti sakit perut, siapa ajar? Sendiri yang kurang belajar. haha.. |
Majlis pengajian!! disebabkan tak faham sangat, hanya dengar dan berdoa sajalah dalam majlis tu. Inshaallah makbul doa kita dalam majlis ilmu. ye dok? |
Ini makam ibu kepada my beloved Sultan Mehmet al-fateh. |
Sewaktu melawat makam-makam yang banyak, terjumpa dengan beberapa orang Asia. Indonesia pun ada. Belasan tahun baru, tapi dah macam kakak pun ada. Deme belajar dekat sekolah menengah di sana. |
Kami lah wirawan dan wirawati! Dihadapan kubu Sultan Mehmet al-fateh. Very enormous and i believe it was the greatest during his time. Pemimpin yang hebat, tentera yang hebat, rakyat yang hebat. |
Blue tomb. |
You can see perfectly the so much perbezaan between me and that baby. Erm,, 'comel macam anak aku' is my trademark when i see cute baby. |
left behind with transparent umbrella. the only one with umbrella. |
Monday, September 2, 2013
Bestfriend :)
Dear bestfriend,
It have been 14 years (more or less) since we were apart. Wow, we have not seen each other for that long! i wonder what are you doing now. Are you alright? I hope you are always in best state of health, happy and bless of course. Bestfriend, do you still remember all those days we were together? I think, i remember almost everything that happened between us. how can i forget you? The new comer when we was in 2nd year of primary school. But then, who greet who? if it was you, i'm sorry i forgot. If it was me, then never mind that.
Bestfriend, do you still remember every evening, at the back then, you would come to my house. we ate that bear-shaped biscuit together with my sister behind my house? No, to be exact, beside. Maybe corner? haa. Oh yeah, i would make drink for us. But, was it milo or tea? I don't remember that, but we really enjoyed that evening together. You had lunch at my house once. I remember how you refused afraid if your mom know. But, my mom and me of course, forced you and convinced you that she will be okay. Before that, you came into my room and saw a beautiful scenery picture I stuck on the wall. With my quite an ability (i call it talent anyway), i said if it was my drawing. You nearly believe, but why asked my mom? Huh, lucky you. but hey, 'I know she can't draw well' was too honest. yeah, i don't have that artist hand but you see, i can draw better now since i had compulsary art class for 2 years. fine, it was histology class. Don't worry, i didn't take your word seriously. I cheated, right?
Bestfriend, I also remember vividly the sport day held in our school. I wondered why you just sat there near the small bridge. Then i came to you and invited to join the race. But your answer surprised me.
'I can't. i had a heart disease. You can go'
With your expression, i could tell that you actually wanted to run together with me. with other friends of us. But, the only you could do was cheering and supporting. I win as 1st runner and you shall be happy to know that you are the first to know after the judges. hehe. Hmm, there is something i'm sure about my feeling. After you came to my school or should i say since you came into my life, that was the first time i felt that i had a very sincere, honest, innocent friend and that make me think, you have complete set what a person needed to be a good friend. I'm not saying that my friends now are not good. No. In fact, they are too good which i can't even compare. Another fact, i'm the one lacking something. The thing i want to say here is, you are different.
Bestfriend, everything happened too fast. Very fast where i could not even say goodbye. I could not think well. Did not ask your phone number (that time, we did not have cellphone, so not my fault), your address. Where do you live now? are you still in Australia? Have you come back to Malaysia? Without knowing your whereabouts, i can only pray so that, you with your family always fine, safe and sound. Oh yeah, your brother, is he still bullying you? If he does, note me, i'll come over and teach him well :) If it is fated we cannot see each other in this small and temporary world, let's pray we will be together in jannah.
Bestfriend, I'm pretty sure you wont read this, unless coincidentally. I search you many time in the facebook, twitter and i-forgot-the-application-name though i know from the start it will upset me. However, isn't it better than doing nothing? It is hard really because i don't remember your face very well but the memories that hold us together i will remember all my life inshaallah. that's why i'm writing here. Well, i'm getting older and who knows about our future life. maybe i'll have dementia or Alzheimer or what so ever that you-can't-remember-thing disease (naudzubillah), that time, i can read this again (will i remember the password?) haha..
Bestfriend, have a blessed and blissful life okay? Wherever and whenever you are, always remember the one up there. Sorry for calling you bestfriend when you don't even approve me that level of friend. Ngee..
Your friend,
Imah :)
Dear bestfriend,
It have been 14 years (more or less) since we were apart. Wow, we have not seen each other for that long! i wonder what are you doing now. Are you alright? I hope you are always in best state of health, happy and bless of course. Bestfriend, do you still remember all those days we were together? I think, i remember almost everything that happened between us. how can i forget you? The new comer when we was in 2nd year of primary school. But then, who greet who? if it was you, i'm sorry i forgot. If it was me, then never mind that.
Bestfriend, do you still remember every evening, at the back then, you would come to my house. we ate that bear-shaped biscuit together with my sister behind my house? No, to be exact, beside. Maybe corner? haa. Oh yeah, i would make drink for us. But, was it milo or tea? I don't remember that, but we really enjoyed that evening together. You had lunch at my house once. I remember how you refused afraid if your mom know. But, my mom and me of course, forced you and convinced you that she will be okay. Before that, you came into my room and saw a beautiful scenery picture I stuck on the wall. With my quite an ability (i call it talent anyway), i said if it was my drawing. You nearly believe, but why asked my mom? Huh, lucky you. but hey, 'I know she can't draw well' was too honest. yeah, i don't have that artist hand but you see, i can draw better now since i had compulsary art class for 2 years. fine, it was histology class. Don't worry, i didn't take your word seriously. I cheated, right?
Bestfriend, I also remember vividly the sport day held in our school. I wondered why you just sat there near the small bridge. Then i came to you and invited to join the race. But your answer surprised me.
'I can't. i had a heart disease. You can go'
With your expression, i could tell that you actually wanted to run together with me. with other friends of us. But, the only you could do was cheering and supporting. I win as 1st runner and you shall be happy to know that you are the first to know after the judges. hehe. Hmm, there is something i'm sure about my feeling. After you came to my school or should i say since you came into my life, that was the first time i felt that i had a very sincere, honest, innocent friend and that make me think, you have complete set what a person needed to be a good friend. I'm not saying that my friends now are not good. No. In fact, they are too good which i can't even compare. Another fact, i'm the one lacking something. The thing i want to say here is, you are different.
Bestfriend, everything happened too fast. Very fast where i could not even say goodbye. I could not think well. Did not ask your phone number (that time, we did not have cellphone, so not my fault), your address. Where do you live now? are you still in Australia? Have you come back to Malaysia? Without knowing your whereabouts, i can only pray so that, you with your family always fine, safe and sound. Oh yeah, your brother, is he still bullying you? If he does, note me, i'll come over and teach him well :) If it is fated we cannot see each other in this small and temporary world, let's pray we will be together in jannah.
Bestfriend, I'm pretty sure you wont read this, unless coincidentally. I search you many time in the facebook, twitter and i-forgot-the-application-name though i know from the start it will upset me. However, isn't it better than doing nothing? It is hard really because i don't remember your face very well but the memories that hold us together i will remember all my life inshaallah. that's why i'm writing here. Well, i'm getting older and who knows about our future life. maybe i'll have dementia or Alzheimer or what so ever that you-can't-remember-thing disease (naudzubillah), that time, i can read this again (will i remember the password?) haha..
Bestfriend, have a blessed and blissful life okay? Wherever and whenever you are, always remember the one up there. Sorry for calling you bestfriend when you don't even approve me that level of friend. Ngee..
Your friend,
Imah :)
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